Looking After Your Physical Health When Starting University

Looking After Your Physical Health When Starting University

For many people, the years they spend at University are some of the best of their lives. However, trying to balance academic commitments, spend time with friends, and explore brand new places can mean that other important things, such as looking after your physical health, end up taking a back seat.

Although some people think of ‘freshers flu’ as a bit of a joke, in reality, many students do find themselves getting ill at the start of a new university term. Fortunately, there are things you can do to help look after your physical health while at university.

Make arrangements for your medical care
Often, the first few weeks of university are so busy, that practical things, such as sorting out your medical care, are easy to forget. Fortunately, some of the most important arrangements can even be made before you start the academic year;

  • Registering with a nearby GP - some universities may help you register, or suggest certain surgeries that they may have links to
  • Checking what health services your university offers. Some universities offer a range of services related to student health, such as on-campus clinics, vaccinations, and sexual health and contraception.
  • Health insurance - in order to avoid waiting for treatment and diagnosis , there are a wide range of packages you can choose from to ensure you can get the care you need. Private healthcare also ensures that you're able to time your appointments around your student life. So no consultations booked for the same day as your end of year exams.

Eat a balanced diet
Although it can be tempting to live mostly off junk food at university, learning to cook some balanced, healthy meals, can not only be fun (and much cheaper than a takeaway!), but will also help you get the fuel you need to fully enjoy your time at university.

Take a break from alcohol

Going out drinking with friends can be a big part of their university experience for many people; however, taking a few nights off can let your body (and wallet) recover, and will probably help your grades too!


One of the great things about being a university student is the fact that there are so many opportunities to get involved in a
wide variety of sports or exercise classes. As well as helping you stay physically healthy, taking up a new sport could even lead to meeting some lifelong friends!

There are so many things to enjoy about being at university – learning more about a subject you’re passionate about, meeting new people, and taking up new hobbies – that it’s definitely worth taking care of your physical health, so you can enjoy it to the full.



Further information

This article published on
17 November 2017

Next review date


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