Exam Special

You know they're out there and they're going to get you some day, some time. So get yourself prepared now and don't let them sneak up on you. Remember exams are just pub quizzes without the beer - and a mobile phone to text questions to friends. Take a look at this month's advice leaflets on managing anxiety and coping with exam nerves.

Anxiety - managing anxiety
Stressful situations eg. problems with money, housing or relationships can cause anxiety. Symptoms include "butterflies" in the tummy, trembling, palpitations or difficulty sleeping (insomnia). While feeling anxious is unpleasant, it can be a warning that there is something wrong in our lives. To get rid of anxiety we may have to deal with the underlying problem. Below is a simple technique which some people use to help them solve problems:... [More]

Cluster headaches
Cluster headaches are the most painful headache. They occur more frequently in men and as the name suggests occur in clusters, during which they may occur daily for 4-8 weeks. They usually occur at night and start 1-2 hours after falling asleep. They may last from minutes to hours, but the average time is 30-45 minutes. Sufferers often report a regularity to attacks, with the Spring and Autumn being the commonest time for attacks.... [More]

Epilepsy is the commonest condition affecting the nervous system across all ages. 1 in 200 adults have the illness and 1 in 100 children.
Fits or seizures are caused by abnormal activity in the brain and there are many different causes and different presentations of epilepsy. Medication is often necessary to suppress this abnormal activity. It is possible to remain fit free and well for long periods.... [More]

Exam nerves
How to cope with exams Most people experience some degree of anxiety about exams. Whilst a certain amount of exam stress is and can be used as a motivating force, it is important to keep on top of exam anxiety. The best way to do this is to be organised.... [More]

Managing migraine
Migraine is a hugely individual condition: trigger factors, symptoms, and responses to treatment differ greatly from person to person, meaning that it can take time to recognise and manage.   Research into the condition is continuing: at present we don’t know what causes migraine, there is no definitive way to diagnose migraine, and there is currently no cure.  However, there have been huge developments and steps forward in recent years and there is much that can be done to help reduce the frequency and severity of migraine attacks.... [More]

Remember, remember your old brown inhaler
Coughs, colds and sore throats are usually a nuisance, one from which the majority of people make a complete recovery. However, people who suffer from asthma often find that their symptoms are significantly aggravated by even a mild viral infection, causing increased wheezing, shortness of breath and coughing bouts. Sometimes a simple cold can trigger an acute, potentially serious asthma attack. Here’s how to prevent that from happening.

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